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The Nahum Family – Rockingham

n The Middle Of Life


Immigrating was quiet natural decision for us. Not necessarily because of our feeling of general inconvenient atmosphere here in Israel, but as a result of need for change and adventure.

After many doubts and reconciliations, our conclusion was definite: Australia is our desired destination!

At the beginning, after collecting some basic relevant information, we where disappointed to realize that the chances to get a visa to Australia are quiet low.

Just before giving up, we found exactly what we were really looking for: Kangaroo Migration Services Ltd.

Brief explanation from “Kangaroo” offices secretary on the phone, led us to our first conversation with Adv. Lisa Segelov. This first acquaintance with Lisa developed very quickly to be an ongoing qualitative experience.
Lisa was very patient from our first phone conversation, asked for some basic information and set a meeting with us at her office in Ramat Gan.

One meeting with Lisa, was enough to give us a real reason to believe we are on the right lane and helped us decide to go for the “professional skilled migration” visa.

At the beginning we chose my profession (Qualified Mechanic), but we discovered I have only 70% of the academic hours required and that my English was not at the proper level (Though it is much better now…). Before getting into a new desperation, Lisa started tracking and investigating Taly’s professional background and skills, until she found the required qualifications for our desired visa: Taly’s profession was Projects managing which was required in Australia, she has also a Master degree (She’s the family pride, what can I do…) and also the necessary experience.

Paper work was huge and complicated, but once Lisa took charge things where rolling very fast. Lisa also gave us correct instructions and precise prediction of the expected procedures and schedule for the whole process.

We received a detailed list of all the documents we had to present – for translating and attach to the application.

Tensed and anxious, we waited for answers from the immigration authorities. Lisa continued patiently and consistently answering our daily phone calls, explaining the Australians are usually “taking their time”…  Finally, the answers we wished for arrived: Taly’s profession was improved and couple of days later we were informed that our visa to Australia is approved!

Now, when our dream became reality, many questions aroused and some complicated tasks appeared: how should we tell our parents, family and friends about this dramatic change we decided to do with our life? What should we do with our house – rent / sell it? When do we start shipping our property abroad? When to disconnect internet and cable lines? … etc. Taly said goodbye to friends and colleges at work; Family and friends, still digesting our dramatic announcement, helping with our arrangements; filling a container with almost all of our property for approx. 2 month of sea voyage. We set the time of our arrival to Australia for 3 weeks from day of property arrival. In the meanwhile, we managed with the stuff that wasn’t shipped and was declared unnecessary and made some final arrangements.

Departure day has arrived. We said goodbye to everybody and started our transatlantic journey, taking two flights – to Thailand and from there to Perth, there we caught a taxi with a very verbal driver, who took us to our hotel. Our new life has begun.

Very soon we experienced the well known politeness and courtesy of the locals, that will approach immediately and suggest help to every person with a paper in his hand looking for his way to somewhere. Though one might be suspicious about this direct and immediate willingness to help, it is really a natural and authentic behavior of the locals.

We feel some difficulties with the local accent. It is certainly not the ordinary English accent we use to hear in television and movies, but they are very patient and will explain again if necessary.

After a week in Perth, we traveled for a half an hour south to Rockingham. It takes a little time to get use to drive on the left side of the road while sitting on the right side in the car, but it’s not a big deal.

In Rockingham, after dwelling a while in a furnished flat, we decided to look for an apartment to rent permanently. Not as it is here, this process appeared to be a complicated task, with some points system and many documents we needed to present, but there are mediating offices to help with these procedures. It is better to have enough money, driving license and of course – a job…

For now, we’re looking for jobs and a kindergarten, and still learning the area.

I can keep writing for days describing all the experiences we’re having, though we are here only for two months…

Life here is quiet and pleasant, with marvelous views and never ending gorgeous sea shore.

It is a great step to make, but it worth it. Go for it! You live only once.

Important tip: Consult with who is familiar with the Australian immigrating system! It will save you lots of money and time.

We are grateful about Adv. Lisa Segelov’s assistance and guidance all the way through, for without her help we think we wouldn’t be here today.

Tomy Tali & Yuval Nahum,
Rockingham Western Australia