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Family based Immigration

One may be able to immigrate to the USA through a family relationship.

Family based immigration is divided into the following categories:

(a) Immediate Relative Visa

The spouse, widow(er) and minor unmarried children of a US citizen or the parent of a US citizen provided that the US citizen is over the age of 21. There are no numerical limitations as to the number of visas issued in this category each year.

(b) First Preference Relative Visa 

An unmarried son or daughter of a US citizen that is over the age of 21 and children if any. Only 23,400 visas are issued in this category per year. This petition must be filed in the USA.

(c) Second Preference Relative Visa 

Spouses, children and unmarried sons and daughters of a US legal permanent resident (green-card holder). Only 114,200 visas are issued in this category per year. This petition must be filed in the USA.

(d) Third Preference Relative Visa 

Married sons and daughters of US citizens, and their spouses and children. Only 23,400 visas are issued in this category per year. This petition must be filed in the USA.

(e) Fourth Preference Relative Visa 

Brothers and sisters of US citizens, and their spouses and children, provided the US citizens are over 21 years old. Half brothers and sisters of US citizens also qualify to apply for a visa in this category as long as the relationship was established before both siblings reached the age of 21. Only 65,000 visas are issued in this category per year. This petition must be filed in the USA. This visa is heavily over-subscribed and the backlog for processing will take at least 13-15 years to clear.

In all of the above categories, green cards are issued following the acquisition of US permanent residence.


You may be eligible for a number of different visa categories. Each visa category has different requirements and obligations so that it is best to seek professional advice in order to select the visa most beneficial and suitable to your circumstances.

Kangaroo Migration Services is a company that has for many years dealt with and continues to deal with immigration and the obtaining of all types of visas (short term and long term) to the USA.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss with our representative the options available to you and/or to complete our questionnaire and send it to us.

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